
Jag vet inte vad det är för fel men mina utkast försvinner! Förut försvann ju kapitel 8 och nu har kapitel 7 och ett annat utkast försvunnit! Är det för att jag har dom där för länge eller...? Någon som vet?
Jag är jätteledsen när jag säger det här, men det blir inget kapitel på 2 veckor! :( snälla häng kvar!

Del fem - uppe!

Del fem är uppe, vet inte varför den hamnade under "Moa Här!", men jag lade upp det i tisdags iallafall :)

Moa här!

Nu har jag kontrollen över bloggen i 4 veckor ungefär, moahahaha!
Haha, nej men seriously. Natali åker imorronbitti så då är det jag som har "ansvar" för bloggen :)
Jag har alla kapitel sparade i utkast, så jag kan lägga upp dom lite då och då när jag har tid, och så får vi se om ni kommer få fler kapitel än väntat ;)
Men ni kommer få åtminstonde 1 kapitel i veckan.
Byee! ~ M.S
Update: nästa kapitel kommer nog tisdag/onsdag om ni ville veta det ;p

Need some help :')

Någon som vet någon bra hemsida/program där man kan göra bra bildkollage? Jag vet att Picnik finns men jag gillar inte de kollagen så mycket. Tacksam för tips! :) ~M.S

The Situation

Jo, nu är det såhär att den 15:e kommer Natali åka till Makedonien och vara där i ungefär 4 och en halv vecka eller något sånt. Så vi får se ifall vi inte uppdaterar så ofta fram tills hon åker, dels för att vi kommer skriva i förväg och dels för att vi ska ha kapitel som vi sedan tidsinställer så att de kommer upp när hon är borta.
Som sagt så finns ju alla kapitel hemma hos Natali, och jag har inget Wordprogram på min dator så jag kan inte skriva. Och det kommer nog bli högst 2 kapitel i veckan eller så, för jag vet inte om vi kommer hinna skriva så mycket. Om det är något ni undrar över så kommentera bara :) ~ M.S

Haha, snygging på bilden, jag vet ;)

Besöksrekord :D

Hej alla läsare vi kände bara för att berätta att vi har ett nytt besöksrekord! kanske inte jättemycket.. men det går uppåt :D TACK!
Just nu av någon bajsig anledning så går det inte att ladda upp bilden.. men aja vi hade iaf 41 läsare :)
Förresten får ni del tre när det går att ladda upp bilder :P


Jag och min partner undrar bara en sak; är det så svårt egentligen att slänga in en kommentar om vad ni tycker? Menar inte att låta dryg men den känns ju inte kul att skriva om ingen kommentera om vad dom tycker ska hända och vad som är bra/dåligt, det blir ju ganska svårt efter ett tag och man tröttnar ju ganska snabbt... just nu har vi 20+ läsare och vi har fått två kommentarer på senaste kapitlet.. det är lite tråkigt om ni inte kommenterar, vi menar ju inte att låta gnälliga och så men ändå liksom.. tänker er in i våran "situation" :)


Hejsan svejsan, det är lite torrt med kommentarer tycker jag... ;p
Vill inte låta "rude" eller nått, men om du har en egen blogg så vet du att det är mycket roligare att uppdatera o.s.v. när folk kommenterar. Vi har ungerfär minst 10 besökare per dag men nästan inga kommentarer ;(
Så skulle gärna uppskatta om ni kunde ta er tid och slänga in en kommentar, +5 för nästa kapitel! :) ~ M.S


Tack CINDRA och FELLA från bieb.blogg.se!
Novellen kommer heta "This thing we call love"...
Så nu kan ni räkna med ett kapitel idag och bättre uppdatering! :D
~M.S & N.B

Snällasnällasnälla förlåt oss!

Anledningen till att ni inte har fått ett nytt kapitel är att vi inte har en blekaste anning om vad den nya novellen ska heta! Kom gärna med förslag så ska ni se att första kapitlet kommer när vi hittat ett bra namn! ~ M.S

Nya novellen

Jaja, men vi har knappt skrivit något på kapitel 26 och uppdateringen är URUSEL just nu. Natta tycker inte att det är så kul att skriva, så jag ska se om jag inte kan skaffa word till min dator så blir uppdateringen antigligen bättre.
SÅÅ, jag tänkte att vi skulle börja på den nya novellen istället :)
Peace ~ M.S
Uppdatering: Natali är borta över helgen, alla kapitel finns hos henne, så ni får första kapitlet av den nya novellen på söndag kväll eller måndag :) ~M.S

Chapter 25

-         Are your birthday coming up soon? he asked.

-         No, it has alredy been, a few weeks ago, I said.

-         Okay, happy birthday in arrears! he said and smiled big and sexy.

I laughed and kissed him.



*Next day*


I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. Justin had left when Audrina came back to the hotel last night. Then we just fixed us to go to bed.

I rubbed my eyes and I felt so much better, no headache or anything.

I sat up slowly and looked around the room. My eye fell on Audrina who was sleeping peacefully. I picked up my phone, looked at the digital clock; it showed the numbers 08.02. I never used to wake up this early, but I guessed it was because I slept so much yesterday. I scratched my head and decided to take a shower.

When I was done I dried my hair in front of the mirror. I stopped abruptly and a big smile lit up my face. Today dad were going to pick me up and I will get my birthday present! I continued to dry my hair and the big smile just wouldn’t leave my face.

I picked my outfit for today and when I looked at my phone I had a message from dad.

When should I come get you?

I texted back:

You can come now :D

I looked at the display, it was 08:49. An answer...

I’ll be there around 09.00

Okay see you then! /Sarah


I put some make-up on and picked a bag, done! I wrote a little note for Audrina and then I left.

When I stood outside the hotel, waiting for dad, there was a big car with tinted windows next to me. I looked around and then I started to mirror myself in one of the car windows, I checked my hair and fluffed it up a bit. I jumped backwards when the windows begun to crank down.

-         Hello sexy, you look fantastic, I swear, the man, or boy, in the car said. He took off his sunglasses, looked at me and smiled big.

-         Justin! I said happily and laughed.

-         Yes that’s me, he said and grinned.

I bended and hugged him through the open window.

-         What are you doing here? I asked him.

-         I’m going to an interview, he said and his face got a little sader.

-         I thought you had like a break now?

-         Yeah, I thought so too, but I don’t know, I just need to do this one, he said and smiled a bit now.

-         Okay, but there comes my dad, bye! I said and kissed his lips quick.

I ran towards dad’s car and waved and smiled.

-         Aw hi dad! I said when I closed the car door behind me.

I leaned towards him and hugged him tight.

-         Hi my baby, he said really happily.

-         We’ve missed you, he said then and kissed my head.

-         I’ve missed you too, even though I’m having a great time here at the hotel!

-         I hope so, it was very expensive, he said and laughed.

He started the car and he drove from the hotel.

-         Have you had breakfast yet?

-         Oh, no, I forgot that, I said and laughed.

-         Then lets have some now, dad said and smiled.

-         That sounds fantastic, I said and laughed a bit.

We had some breakfast in a café wich was open and I told him everything that happened this weeks, or yeah; almost everything. When dad wanted me to tell him about Justin I said that I’ll tell both him and mom later and that they needed to meet him then.

-         Done?

-         Yes I am! I said. Now I wanna see my birthday present!

-         Okay, let’s go then, he said.

He drove further into the city and after just a few minutes he stopped the car. I looked around me, I knew where we were. But what was really my present?

-         Come with me, dad said mysterious.

-         Oh my god, what can it be? I said and giggled.

He walked towards a door that said ”Tattoo &...”, Oh my god; ”...Piercing”!

-         Oh my god! Dad, are you letting me pierce my belly button?!

-         Yes! You wanted it so bad, we could tell, he said and I could see he was very happy.

-         But I’m not 18 yet? I said teasingly.

-         Oh... right... we totally forgot that... I’ll drive you back to the hotel, he said and grinned, I punched his arm and laughed.


When I laid down on the ”bed” (or what should I call it?) I was so nervous I could die. Dad held out his hand, I took it and squeezed it hard.

-         Okay, this may hurt a bit, the girl that pierced me said.

I closed my eyes hard and nodded. She grabbed some skin and counted to three, then she stuck the needle through and placed a piercing rod.

-         Done! That’s all!

I opened my eyes.

-         Are you okay? dad asked and laughed.

-         Yeah, actually, it didn’t hurt that bad as I thought it should, I said and looked at my stomach.


Nej vi är inte döda om ni tror det... haha, men nu har vi faktiskt haft mycket att göra och inte träffats så mycket men nu får ni iallafall ert kapitel :) Kommentera ;) ~ M.S & N.B





Uppdatering (:

Jag ska se om vi inte skulle kunna slänga in kapitel 25 ikväll :D ~ M.S

Chapter 24

Chapter 24


-         You never used the thermometer, he said then and looked up.

-         No, but I don’t think it’s necessary, I acctually feel a lot better, I said and smiled at him.

-         Alright then, he said and smiled.


-         What time is it? I asked and scratched my hair.

I looked at my phone that laid on the nightstand; 14:43.

-         I think it’s time for me to... take a shower and yeah... I said and blinked.

-         Okay, go ahead, he said and smiled.

I stood up a little too fast and swerved. Justin took my hand and I smiled gratefully. He walked me to the bathroomdoor where he let go of my hand, stepped back and bowed. I giggeled and gave him a blow kiss before I closed the door after myself.

When I 20 minutes later got out to the room, after a shower and teeth brushing, Justin was talking to someone. When they heard me they turned around, Justin smiled at me.

-         Hey sweetie! Feeling better?! Audrina almost yelled and jumped into my arms.

-         Yeah, definately, but I’m not completly recovered so can you please take it easy? I said and laughed a bit.

-         Ofcourse, she said and backed of.

-         And how has your day been? I asked her.

-         Great! Me, Christian, Chaz and Ryan went to the beach and then we went to a restaurant to have some lunch and yeah... I had a great time, she said and I could see her eyes sparkle. And then she added:

-         And what have you two lovebirds done all day? she said a bit teasingly.

-         Not much, I said, you know... I’m not feeling completly well so we’ve slept a bit, or I don’t know about Justin, but I have... And yeah, he sang for me... I smiled big.

-         Oh, I’m jealous! she said and blinked. I heard Justin laugh a quiet laugh.

-         Are you staying? I asked Audrina.

-         No, I was going to meet the boys again... If it’s okay with you?

-         Yeah, sure, I have Justin, I said and glanced at him.

-         Allright then, she said happily and smiled.

Then she walked past me and opened the door.

-         Bye!

-         Bye! me and Justin said at the same time.

I was wearing my soft dress. I walked up to Justin and sat down on the bed next to him.

-         Hopefully I will be completly recovered tomorrow, I said and looked at him.

-         Hope so too, Justin said and smiled a cute little smile.

I crawled up on the bed and laid down. Justin did the same and we laid like that for a while and talked, with his arms wrapped around me.

-         It’s weird that I have you like this right now, Justin said.

-         Why? I wondered.

-         Because you’re too beautiful to be singel, he said and I laughed.

-         Yeah sure... I said and rolled my eyes.

-         It’s true, he said, how many boyfriends have you had? he asked curiously.

-         You’re my second, I said and laughed quiet.

-         What? Are you kidding me? he asked, surprised by my answer.

-         No, I’m not kidding you. My first boyfriends name was Oliver but I was like 12 then... I said and laughed.

-         Haven’t you liked anyone after that? he said, still surprised.

-         Ofcourse I have! And I thought he liked me too but apparently he didn’t... I said quiet.

-         What happened? Justin asked, almost whispered.

-         I don’t really like to talk about it, but... we hung out and we were really good friends but then... I don’t know... he started to call me... uhm... things... his and my other friends too...

-         What did they call you? Justin said and I could hear that he was mad.

-         Uhm... they said that I was... disgusting and spread rumors about me and... yeah..., I said quiet.

-         Oh my god, how immature isn’t that?! Are they totally fucked up in their heads or what?! How could you possibly say something like that to a girl like you?!

-         Hey, Justin calm down, I said and laughed.

-         Sorry, it just makes me really angry!

-         Aw, you’re so sweet, but it happened like a year ago, they have stopped now, I said.

-         But anyway... he said and kissed my lips.

Then I heard a noice; my phone vibrated on the nightstand. Justin removed his arms, I rolled around and picked up my phone. The display said: ”Dad”.

I stood up and answered my phone.

-         Hi daddy! I miss you! How are you and grandma and grandpa? I said happily.

-         Hi my babygirl! We miss you too and we’re just fine! And how are you honey?

-         I’ve been like sick this morning and yeah but now I’m feeling alot better, I guess Justin cured me, I said and looked at him.

-         Justin? Justin who? dad said.

Oh crap! I haven’t told my parents about me and Justin!

-         Uhm... yeah... he’s this guy I met and were really close now... I you know what I mean, I said hesitantly.

-         Oh, you’re together? he said and I was surprised that he got it.

-         Yes we are, but i think you know who he is... I said and smiled at Justin that smiled back.

Dad laughed and said:

-         Okay, I guess that’s okay, or what should I say? he said and laughed.

I laughed too.

-         But now to the reason that I called you... You had your birthday a few weeks ago and me and your mom want to give you something in arrears.

-         Okay, now I’m really curious! I said. What is it?

-         You’ll se, he said teasingly.

-         Dad! I said. Please tell me!

-         Nope! When do you want it?

-         Tomorrow! I said excited.

-         Okay, then you’ll have it tomorrow, he said.

-         Thanks dad!

We hang up and I turned to Justin.

-         What was that about? Justin asked.

-         A birthday present, I said happily.

-         Are your bithday coming up soon? he asked.

-         No, it has alredy been, a few weeks ago, I said.

-         Okay, happy birthday in arrears! he said and smiled big and sexy.

I laughed and kissed him.

Kommentera! :p ~ M.S & N.B


Någon frågade vad låten han sjöng i kap. 23 hette, den heter 'I'll Be' av Edwin McCain, men Justin har också sjungit den LIVE på en av hans konsterter. :) ~ M.S

Ang. den nya novellen

Vi kommer stanna på samma sida alltså thestoriesboutjb.blogg.se och vi har inte riktigt bestämt än vad den nya berättelsen ska heta :p ~ M.S


Vart har alla kommentarer tagit vägen? vi behöver +5 för nästa kapitel :) ~ M.S & N.B

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


We stepped in and I turned the lights on. We washed away the make-up and brushed our hair and teeth, then we went to bed.

-         Goodnight Sarah, Audrina whispered in the dark.

-         Goodningt Audrina, sleep tight...



The next morning when I woke up, I felt very warm so I sat up to get out of bed and turn the AC on. But when I sat up my head felt like it was going to explode and I felt dizzy so I laid down again. I put my hand over my forehead and it was really warm. Now I could feel the faintness coming over me and I fell asleep again...

Audrina’s perspective:

When I opened my eyes the next morning I felt rested and peppy. I stretched my legs under the covers and then I turned around too look if  Sarah was awake. She was still sleeping so I got up to wake her. I pushed her lightly.

-         Sarah, time to wake up... I said quietly.

She didn’t wake up so I pushed her a little harder and eventually I shoke her. Finally! She moaned and opened her eyes slowly.

-         Goodmorning Sarah!

-         Morning, she mumbled.

-         I have a feeling that today’s gonna be a good day, I’m like hyper! I said frisky.

-         I’m sorry but I don’t think so Audrina... she said dully.

-         Ah, come on! Don’t be so lazy! I pulled her arm in an attempt to pull her up of the bed.

-         Let go, I’m not feeling well... she said whining.

-         Oh, sorry, I said and let go immediately.

-         No, it’s okay, how were you supposed to know?

-         Can I do something for you?

-         Uhm, yeah, can you bring me a glass of water and some breakfast?

-         Sure! I stood up and walked to the sink, took a glass and filled it with water. I went up to Sarah and gave it too her.

-         Thanks, she said.

-         I’ll call the roomservice, what should I order?

-         I don’t know. Just order something, she said and turned around in bed.

-         Uhm, by the way, I should probably get changed and yeah you know, it would be pretty embarrassing if I opened the door with just pyjamas... I said but  she didn’t answer so I just walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

20 minutes later I was ready. I called the roomservice and ordered

pancakes. The pancakes were soon delivered, I paid and thanked, then I brought the washer to Sarah. I sat down on the side of the bed and shook her lightly.

-         Breakfast, I whispered.

-         Thank you, she mumbeled.

She sat up slowly and I put the washer in her lap. She slowly started to eat her pancakes and I ate mine. We didn’t say much until I broke the slience.

-         How are you feeling?

-         Not so good, it feels like my head are going to explode any second and I feel dizzy when I move to fast. Plus I’m really warm, she said.

I held my hand against her forehead and it was scorching.

-         Oh, you’re hot as hell, I said and removed my hand.


Sarah’s perspective:

I chewed slowly. I was soo tired... I really appreciated Audrina’s help.

-         Thank you Audrina, I said and looked at her.

-         No problems, that wasn’t anything special, she said and smiled at me.

-         No, I mean, thank you for being such a good friend, you’re always helping me and you’re always there for me when I need you, I said and looked at her seriously.

-         Aww, that’s so sweet of you to say that, she said with love in her eyes.

-         It’s just the truth, I said and grinned a bit.

-         You know what? she said, I think the same about you and I love you sis.

She smiled big. Then she hugged me and asked:

-         Are you done?

-         Ye... my voice was hoarse and I cleared my throat.

-         Yeah, I said.

She picked up the washer and put it outside our hotelroom door.

-         Anything else, she said and bowed.

-         No thank you, or... I wan’t to sleep, I said.

-         Allright then, I’ll let you sleep, she said and walked over to her bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.


Audrina’s perspective:

I walked over to my bed and picked up my phone, I looked at the display; 2 unread messages.

I opened the first that was from Ryan: ”Hey, sweetie, you forgot your watch in my pocket yesterday, hope to see you today

I texted back and then I opened the next. It was from Justin; ”Hey Audrina, is Sarah there? She didn’t answer her phone.

I wrote back: ”Yes, she’s here but she isn’t feeling very well

Seconds later I got an answer: ”Oh, something happend?” He asked.

I texted Ryan and Justin and then I leaved to meet the boys. I looked at Sarah one last time before i closed the door. She was asleep.


Sarah’s perspective:

Now, if possible, I was even warmer. My head throbbed, I moaned and opened my left eye slowly...

Okej, vi har lite nyheter, antagligen både bra och dåliga, dåliga; vi kommer antagligen avsluta den här novellen

Bra; Vi kommer starta en ny på svenska :) Kanske bättre uppdatering då :) ~ M.S & N.B

Btw, kommerntera och följ på bloglovin ;)


Först och främst så vill jag säga förlåt för att vi inte uppdaterat som vi lovade men Natali hade träning måndag och tisdag och jag delade ut tidningar onsdag, så... men förlåt :(
Så... nu till frågan;
Nu är det så att vi tycker det är både ganska svårt och jobbigt att skriva på engelska, så vi undrar om ni tycker vi ska fortsätta skriva på engelska; börja skriva på svenska eller starta en ny novell som vi skriver på svenska? :)
Skulle bli tacksamma om vi fick svar från alla och så fort som möjligt så att vi kan fortsätta skriva :)
Och här kommer kap 21 :) ~ M.S & N.B

Chapter 19

Chapter 19


*Sarah had talked to Audrina on the phone*

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and dry my hair.



Justin’s perspective:

I looked around in the hallway then I leaned against Sarah, gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered: ”See you later shawty.” I loved when she giggled like she did when I said that. Then I walked out in the hallway. I felt like I floated through it. I took the stairs this time, I didn’t want to risk beeing stuck in an elevator with other people when I had the robe on me. I knocked on the door to my room cause the key was in the room with the boys. When I stood outside the door I could hear music and the boys screaming, I laughed quiet and then I knockd at the door again, this time harder. It got quiet like if they weren’t sure if they really heard someone knocking. I knocked again and someone opened the door. It was Chaz...

-         Hey man! So... What did you and Sarah do all night? he asked and did the ”Ohlala” with his eyebrowses.

-         Nothing, or she had a nightmare, about me... and she wanted to talk about it so I listened and comforted her.

-         Thats all...? Christian said.

-         Uhm, yeah... or no... not really, I said mysterious.

-         Then... what happened? Chaz said, still like teasingly.

-         That, I’ll tell you when I’ve taken a shower, I said.

-         No, you tell us now! Chaz said.

He and the two other boys came running against me and I turned around and hurried into the bathroom and locked the door before they got to me. Now they stood outside and pounded on the door.

-         I can’t hear you! I said and laughed.

I took a warm shower and thought about last night and this morning. When I was done the boys had stopped pounding on the door long time ago and  they had turned the music on again. I stepped out into the room with a towel around my waist and down. Christian jumped in one of the beds and Ryan and Chaz compared something on their phones. I walked up to my suitcase to get a pair of briefs. Someone turned the music off and then Chaz said:

-         Ey, now, tell us what you did last night!

-         Yeah, come on, Ryan said. Christian just laid on his stomach next to them and looked at me, and when I looked at him he raised his eyebrows.

-         Uhm, well... I said and I started to get dressed, I fell asleep in her bed when she had told me about the dream, and then she woke up later and she woke me up too. Uhm... I asked her what it was and then we went back to sleep again...

-         Then you didn’t do anything special, Chaz said wondering and raised an eyebrow.

-         Uhm, yes we did, or it isn’t that special but I... kissed her and... she kissed me back... and then we fell asleep, I said and pulled up my pants.

-         Ooh! Justin and Sarah have something together! Christian said teasingly. I threw a shoe at him but he caughed it before it hit him.

-         That’s nothing compared what happened this morning... I said and put on a T-shirt.

-         Wow, then... what happened this morning? Chaz said and elbowed Ryan on his arm.

-         Well, I’m not sure I’ll tell you that... I said teasingly. I walked up to the sink and drank a glass of water.

-         Man! Chaz said, come on, tell us!

-         Well... you know I scared her a lot yesterday and she fell and blablabla... I told her how sorry I was and she said she would forgive me on one condition.

-         And...? Chaz said.

-         She pointed at her lips and I was about to kiss her when she held a finger against my lips. She said that I had to cath her first... hahaha, I said and laughed by the memory.

-         Oh, that’s ONE bad girl, Chaz said and blinked to the other boys that laughed. I shrugged my shoulders and continued:

-         I chased her for... yeah... a while, and I caught up on her, I jumped and wrapped my arms around her neck, she fell forward and I thought that she was crying and but she was laughing, I picked her up and carried her to the bed, tickled her and she started to laugh even more and then I kissed her and... I think Christian have to go now, I said teaslingly and looked at him.

-         Wohohoo! Chaz said, It’s heating up! He laughed.

-         No, I’m just kidding, I kissed her and she kissed back, then I laid on top of her and we rolled around a couple of times and yeah... that’s it, I said a bit embarresed.

Chaz walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I thought he was going to say something but instead he bent down me head and rubbed my head with his knuckels. And soon all the boys were over me. They wrestled me down on the floor and then Chaz and Ryan sat on me. Christian came up to me and laughed an evil laugh.

-         Okey, I give up! Let me go now, I said and laughed.

-         Nah, I want breakfast, Chaz said and got up.

-         Me too, Ryan said and he moved too.

-         Yeah, I liked their juice... Christian said dreamy.We laughed and then we got down to eat.


Sarah’s perspective:

I ate breakfast at Audrina’s place, it felt really good to be back in the neighbourhood again. During the breakfast I told her about what happened when she was gone. She seemed really happy for me and she told me that she liked Ryan. When we were ready to go, we went to my car. When I was about to start the engine I asked her:

-         Do you really want to go back to the hotel? We’ve been there for like a week?

-         Uhm, I wouldn’t mind, but we can go shopping! she said happily.

-         Yeah! You have money?

-         Yes! she said.

I went of the driveway and onto the road. I looked at the car clock and it said 13:23. I drove into the city and we searched for a free parking space. After I while we found a good one, I parked my car and stepped out of it. I felt something hit my foot...


Glöm inte att kommentera! Och btw så har vi försökt börja med lite bilder ;) ~ M.S & N.B

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