Chapter 3

Just before I went to sleep I got a feeling that this 3 weeks were going to be the best of our lifes.



In the morning we got down for breakfast, there was this big dining room, where they served a big buffet with like everything! Whe chose a table, sat down and ate with a big appetite, probably because we forgot to order something to eat last night. We went back to our room took a shower and changed to what we were going to wear today.

Audrina’s outfit

Sarah’s outfit


We thought about what we were going to do today, and decided to just chill at the hotel, I picked a pack of cards and we went down to the lobby, we sat down in the very comfortable sofas and started to play. After a while we got tired of the card game and started to act silly and make silly faces, I took Audrina’s phone and she chased me around the whole lobby, I gave it back to her and she picked the whole pack of cards up and threw it at me so there where cards all over the place. We both started to laugh hysterical. I looked at Audrina and I saw her lie on the floor and laughing her ass of, so I started to laugh even more!

When we had calmed down a little bit, we heard someone else laughing, we turned around and there were three guys. We looked at them and started giggeling, we didn’t want to get one more laugh-attack, we could alredy feel the abs comming, haha. We started to collect all the cards and then I felt a hand on my shoulder and i turned around...


Där har ni kapitel 3 också :) ~ M.S & N.B

Postat av: hanna


2011-03-26 @ 13:50:03

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